Sunday, May 13, 2012

A rerun fit for a memory 5/13/2012

The Daily ACK 26 July, 2011 Memories

by Johnny Massengill on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 9:24pm ·
For some reason I've been thinking about a time that happened before I started school.  It was late 1968 or early 1969. My dad had just spent 18 months overseas on the Azores Island (Seems there is a tiny Air Force Base, Lajes Air Force Base, on that island and they decided they needed my dad more than I did....oh well,Azores,+Portugal&gl=us&ei=6mEvTtm3A4bV0QH1seW0AQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBkQ8gEwAA )

I remember my dad came home on leave during that 18 month hitch and he brought back an album of music that has stuck with me until this day.

Booker T and the MG's Greatest Hits. Stax Records.

Booker T and the MG's music resonated with me even at an early the fact they also played the theme music to Clint Eastwood's movie, Hang 'em High. ( )
That album is still at my parents house. Time didn't treat that piece of vinyl very well. It is scratched and skips on many of the songs if you could play it today, not to mention the fact not many of us have a honest to gosh turntable anymore.
Years have passed and one night I decided to search for that Booker T and the MG's album.  Randi ask me what I was looking for and I told her.  My wife can find ANYTHING on the Internet...and on she found it. ( )

The CD player in my truck isn't worth the circuit board its made with. I can't get it to play a whole CD.  I drove Randi's car to work the other day and in the holder on the sun visor there was that CD.  I listened to that CD and really enjoyed the memories I had.  There is only one song on that CD that I don't like and it's the only song that someone sings on that CD. Its called "Johnny, I love you"...and  I just never got used to Booker T and the MG's with someone singing... it just ain't right, I tell you!...just saying...

Now you can hear a small clip of Booker T and the MG's music on a radio ad for John Boy and Billy and I'm sure not many people even know who plays that short piece of music but I know  who did it....and I remember....

If you are interested in more information, check this out:


My Dad while he was in the military. The photo has suffered from the hands of time....I wish I could find glasses like that today...

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