Friday, July 6, 2012

People who are famous for "nothing" 7/6/2012

My lovely wife wrote this as her status on Facebook this morning:
"Regarding Tom "Couch Jumping, Post Postpartum Depression non-believer" Cruise, and his most current divorce.........Wife number 1 divorced him at age 33. 3+3=6 Regarding wife number 2. She also divorced his butt at age 33, and 3+3 still =6 Now on to Katie, wife number 3, also at this time, is 33. The math hasn't changed, 3+3 is still equaling 6! Take all of the 6's together, you get "666"!!! Meaning Tom, "couch jumping, postpartum non believing" Cruise IS the Anti-Christ!!"
 I helped a bit with the math on that post
Ever since Tom decided to jump on Oprah's couch in 2005, I decided to vote with my wallet and NOT see or pay to see ANY movie Tom Cruise is in.....I now hear that he is the highest paid actor in Hollywood. If people would vote with their wallet, this wouldn't have happened.... I believe Oprah should have one last show for Katie Homes to jump on her couch as a show of excitement of her break up from Tom! 
Danica Patrick, race car driver and Go Daddy ad model is another one that I've wondered just WHY people are SOO nuts over her....(maybe its because the part of the population with the nuts are the ones going nuts over her? Hmmmm, could be). On a NASCAR show on SPEED tv this morning they said "Danica Patrick is a great race car driver" and I say she isn't.  She has been driving for 7 years for 2 teams, has 114 races, 3 poles, one win, 6 Podiums and NO Championships..... One win does not a great driver make.  Even I will admit she is easy on the eyes BUT she tends to open her mouth and ruin the whole illusion that she is pretty.  She is a hot tempered hot head. If she spent the time on improving her driving that she does running her mouth, no one could beat her in a race car! 
Kim Kardashian. and just what the hell is this silly woman famous for again? Oh...a 72 day marriage to an NBA player... I really don't get this AT ALL....ACK. If it wasn't for the Internet, I would have NO flipping idea who this silly woman is. Her brother, Rob Kardashin, seems to be the only member of the family who has a lick of sense.  I gained a bunch of respect for him after seeing him on Dancing With the Stars.
 Ok, I'm all ACKed out....GAH!

1 comment:

  1. I really guess I should give Tom Cruise some credit....I liked "Risky Business" which was WAY before he jumped on Oprah's couch
