Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Daily ACK 6/21/2009


Just another day at the nut house. The dogs have been fed and watered and are now taking a nap at Randi's feet. We got a picture of all of us made at the local Walgreens that the money from the photos went to the local animal shelter and we saw the cutest Doxie pup that was only 16 weeks old. He was what is called a piebald type of Doxie. He was cute but going back through that puppy stage would be a bad thing. I wouldn't trade our little knuckleheads for anything in the world. They both are well behaved most of the time. (unless Dylan decides that he needs to bark at SOMETHING outside, then all bets are off!)

I poured coke in my bestest keyboard yesterday. ACK! Now that it has been taken apart and taken a spin in the dishwasher, I'm just waiting for it to dry and then I can put it back together and it should work and be cleaner too! ...(it needed to be cleaner in a big way!)

Randi is in the bedroom watching "Stripes". A good movie but a little too much like my real life for me at this moment. I have often said that I loved being in the military but I am SO glad I'm out! A million times over I'm glad I'm out. Having no control over where you live or what you do and all the little rules that govern you while you are in are a real pain in the ass and you don't realize it while you are in the service but once I got out....I noticed that the rules you make concerning you are your own. The structure of the military gave me something to latch on to and it has helped me later in life but the military is a young person's game and I'm not so young any more. I have an 18 year old mind attached to a 46 year old body.....when did I suddenly get SO damn old! .....but what a trip it has been! My hair started turning gray when I was about 26 years old. I got one gray hair coming out of the left side of my head....I didn't pull it out I just lived with it. One day, my first wife and I were at my parents house, in Knoxville Tn, and she was sitting on my lap and she was talking "Ok...I'll tell him" I ask her "Who are you talking to?" Her answer was "Your one gray hair, I told it to grow a bunch more gray hairs so it wouldn't be lonely"....I dumped her off my lap into my Mom's living room floor while saying "WHAT! want me to have more gray hair??!!??" We had a good laugh about it all at the time. Ah, the stupid things you remember that happened SO long ago...

I was reading a friend's facebook notes (Tina Talk) yesterday and she had a note about her first job at her local IGA. Reading that made me think about my first job in a grocery store.
In Knoxville TN they had a local chain of stores called "White Store" White Store is no longer in business. I just happened to get hired at a store in uptown Knoxville that was right next door to a J.C. Penny's on Gay St. If you have never had a job in an uptown area of a major city, you haven't lived. The nuts came out of the woodwork and when it got dark, you got your ass home in a big hurry. I worked there for 8 months. One day the manager, Gerald, told me to go across the street and wait for a blue Ford LTD car that had a package for him. I did as I was told. I went across the street and the car came and I got the package and back across the street I went and into the store. When I walked in, one of the cashier's said "Honey, you will go broke standing on that street corner"...I darn near died!....
I worked at my first job with my Aunt (by marriage) but I had known her and I was friends with her kids and I had a good time working with Margie. it was 1981 and scanner registers were brand new and we had them. My manager, Gerald, told me I was the only bag boy he had ever seen that could keep up with 3 check out lines going full tilt during a lunch rush. I thought that was pretty high praise at the time. The night I gave my two week notice I found out that Gerald had started out as a bag boy and in 10 years time he had been given his own store. He loved that grocery stuff. He ask me to stay and said that I would have a bright future if I stayed on with the White Store. I told him that I knew after the first week that the grocery store wasn't the place for me. I didn't like it much. Gerald was a very honest guy when I was around him but a few years later I was told he got fired because he was stealing money from the store. You could have blown me over with a feather when I heard that. I worked in the deli in the back of the store and one day the girl I was working with, Donna, said "Will you wait on that woman that is walking up, I don't like her" and away she went! I waited on the woman and she wanted a BBQ chicken sandwich and away she went. It might have taken a full 5 minutes to wait on this woman. I ask Donna what the problem with that woman was. She said "Sometimes "she" has a 5 o'clock shadow"....OH! ok...from that point on I started noticing this woman more and sure enough, "she" could grow a better beard than I could at the time! (I was only 18) ACK! We also had a customer who used to come in the store and "bless" all of us. When I say bless i mean bless! "Oh bless you and God Bless you and ....etc" you get the picture. One day at the deli counter she got to blessing me SO much I thought the rapture was coming right then and there!.... Another time I was bagging grocery's for my Aunt Margie and she was going VERY fast scanning the items and I said to her. "Hey, slow down a bit"...she just kept pushing items my way for me to put them in the bag. The person we were helping paid his bill and away he went. I ask Margie what the problem was. She said "You couldn't smell the B.O. coming off that guy?" well...No I couldn't but once she said something I noticed it. She couldn't get to the can of air fresher at her station fast enough to suite her after that guy left.....*laughing*....

Ok..I'm all ACKed out!

Have a good day!

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