Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Daily ACK 12/3/2011 Things I just don't get...

ACK!  In my life I've seen things I just don't understand. These are a few of those thing.
1.When you sign into a website and they have that check box that says.....

Why, in the WORLD do they (i.e. website) want to keep you signed in ALL THE TIME. Checking that box is a very insecure act. If anyone else gets to your computer and goes to that website, they will be able to get into your information with no problem at all. They wouldn't even need to have your password at that point. I just don't get it.

2. Why does the PLANET GREEN channel show almost anything but GREEN (recycling and sustainable energy usage) related programs. Every Saturday  is Egypt day and they also show lots of paranormal programing In the channel description on DirecTV it says "Planet Green is the first-ever 24/7 eco-lifestyle television network!! Add substance to your style with a mainstream look at a world going green...." OH REALLY! not from what I've see showing on that channel.

3. I don't get why U.S. policy toward Israel seems to be changing.  Genesis 12:3 God tells Abraham "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."  Mark my words. If the USA turns our back on the Nation of  Israel, we will be in bad shape.

4. When did politics become a blood sport? I've said it before and I'll say it again and I say it to both parties. DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR THIS COUNTRY, NOT WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOUR REELECTION TO OFFICE! Have the guts enough to step off the gravy train and see how your actions as an elected official effects the average everyday Americans. The inaction of our elected officials is driving this country into the ground. 

5. In the media, when talking about the economy, they always talk about "not taxing the job creators in the country". I have never heard ANYONE refer or talk about "I'm going to start a business to create 45 jobs" they talk about "With my going into business, I can make a PROFIT..."  They make business men sound like such nice people for all this "creation" of jobs when, in fact they are interested in making a profit.. If they create a few jobs along the way, GREAT, but job creation isn't their first thought!

6. What is with all the women who kill their children? I can think of  a few high profile cases. Susan Smith and her two kids in SC and Andrea Yates, who drowned her five kids in Texas. Considering the number of people who can't have kids and would LOVE to have a child I find it shocking that a parent would think that killing their offspring would make anything better or improve their situation. Not to let men off the hook, think of  John Emil List who killed his family in 1971 because he had lost his job and was drowning in debt and though that going on welfare would bring the family ridicule.

I'm sure if I sit here and think long enough I could think of other things I don't "get"....but at this time I'm all ACKed out!



  1. Johnny, I have to say that I agree with every single point you made on this "Daily Ack". It all rings so very true, not to mention I've thought about every single 1 of these previously, save 1. Great writing again, my friend, & plz do keep up the good work, as it's very enjoyable to read & think about, as all of your Acks are.

  2. I just don't get it either, and as you know, the one I "get" the least, is why mothers kill their children, or "supposedly" kill their children. Too many women would take those children and love them, rather than consider them a burden. We had one here in SC about a year ago or more, who did the Susan Smith crime, drowned her young boys in a car, in a river. Then, there is the "not guilty" Casey Anthony......maybe not guilty, but in my mind, not innocent either.
    Great Ack.....and so glad that you FINALLY got what I mean when I always said " I just don't get it"! Love you,
    R *similar to your J.*

  3. Btw, the save 1 was not s***, just have never watched the channel. Also, while the Acks are enjoyable to read, they also bring about awareness many times & I am VERY concerned re #3! It frightens the pants off of me, thinking of that irresponsible possibility...not to mention the friends we both have there...isn't living in daily fear enough for the ppl of Israel? You'd think our goobernut would take more of a stand with them..& against all the terrorists! This leaves me confused, again, as you write, no matter the side, right or left, or in between. Thanks again for the Ack! :)

  4. Dawn, Thank you. I must say I've never heard of a politician being called a "goobernut" Too funny! I'll have to remember that.
    You might thank me for my ACK but writing is nothing without a reader. Thank YOU for reading my jumble of thoughts!

  5. Johnny, your first point hits home for me right now. a friend had her yahoo email hacked last week. Not only did we all get a message from her saying she was stuck in Spain, send money, but the hacker stole all her contacts and all her saved emails. Worse than that, when she wrote to tell us she'd been hacked, please reply so she'll have our contact info, I noticed that the hacker had set up some kind of program so that the responses went to a different address that looked similar to the original. That way, he'd nab even more contact info.

    I decided to not only change my password but to switch to https hotmail. Hackers are not nice people. Means we have to be vigilant.

  6. Varda...darn that is tough!..OUCH!
