Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"Hello, my name is Johnny and I'm a scatterbrain ..."

I sometimes think I need a good 12 step program to stop me from being a scatterbrain.  I'm not sure the meetings would be all that good to attend because you would be in a room full of scatterbrains. Think about it. "Hello, my name is Johnny and I'm a scatterbrain....".....*crickets*.....and then the room would have one person that would catch on  and say "Hi Johnny" while everyone else is in the mental twilight zone.

Hmmmm.  Well, you have to start SOMEPLACE, right? I'm not sure you could get a group of recovering scatterbrains to write 12 steps and 12 traditions and a book containing the history of the organization.  This could be a problem. 

I'm not a scatterbrain all the time. Most of the time I have it reasonable together.  I'm a creature of habit and when that habit is upset by something, I get pretty scattered mentally.   Last night, I spoke to my wife, Randi, who is out of town, one of the last thing I told her was "Don't forget to take  your meds" and then what do I do? Drift off to sleep with nary a thought about taken my OWN pills! ACK! ACK! ACK! Some of them I could miss with no visible problems noted, however, there is one pill I take and when I miss it, I have the migraine no headache medicine will touch.

My eyes flew open at 5:00am and I KNEW I had not taken my pills, but I didn't yet have a headache. I had to act fast! I called Randi and woke her up, because she knows about such things, so I ask her what I should do.  She suggested reading the insert of the medicine and see what it said about missing a dose.

It wasn't the end of the world but it was the EDGE of my world.  I worked it out with Randi's help and had a pretty good day, all in all.

However, that 12 step program for scatterbrains could be a revolution if developed the right way.

 "I'm not just a scatterbrain, I am also the scatterbrain program president"

Tomorrow is another day to fly. Lets just hope my brain doesn't fly the coop before the rest of me!



  1. was gonna make a comment... but now that I'm to the end of your blog, I can't recall what I was thinking about..... oh by the way, why does your blog give a warning about the content? The last time I read your blog, I got the same warning...Being scatterbrained is an artwork.... it takes a long time to achieve such an acclaim... enjoyed your blog.

  2. Lori, The Daily ACK has a disclaimer because I sometimes can use strong language (see this for an example: http://thedailyacksc.blogspot.com/2012/01/daily-ack-1142012-addiction.html ). 98% time the disclaimer isn't needed but I would hate to type my thoughts and have someone say "why didn't you tell me you dropped the 'F-bomb' in your blog"......
