Monday, August 11, 2014

What movies made you cry.....

A few mornings ago, on the local NPR station they ask "What movie made you cry and why". For me the answer was easy. It was "Good Morning Vietnam" from 1987.  It wasn't anything in the movie or in the story of the movie, it was seeing Military men wearing khaki uniforms. The Air Force called them "1505's"
Robin Williams in 1505's khakis

 1505's were long gone from the Air Force when I went in the Military. I was kind of sad about that. I would have loved to wear the same uniform my Dad did but it wasn't to be. I can't tell you how many times I saw my Dad leave home wearing 1505's when I was a kid.
My Dad at age 38.

 Watching Good Morning Vietnam threw me back to a time in my life that I had no control over anything. I was a very young kid.  Watching Robin Williams leave Vietnam in 1505's made those hard times suddenly come flooding back to me and I sobbed a great deal.  I get a lump in my throat writing about it even now.

Thanks for the memories Robin. You were a very good actor, no matter what role you played.  The world is less funny and heaven is more funny with your passing.



  1. He was a wonderful man. He played so many wonderful men, and women! Good Morning VietNam, Hook, Patch Adams, The Fisher King, Good Will Hunting, Awakening, Dead Poet's Society,Mrs. Doubtfire, and many many more. He always played a wonderful doctor! Laughter is the best medicine~~ Rest in loving peace Robin

  2. Mason wants to watch Dead Poet's Society...was it a good one? one you think i will enjoy?
