Thursday, June 21, 2012

What are we coming back to.... 6/21/2012

What are we coming back to? An odd sort of question, I know.
A friend of mine posted on facebook a picture of a Military person coming back from someplace overseas, and his dog had jumped in his arms.  My response to that post were these few words:

"You can be stationed on the worlds biggest hell hole in the USA but coming back there (after a deployment) is ALWAYS special...."

At that moment, that small Air Force Base in SC was my touchstone. I damn near kissed the asphalt at the bottom of the steps of that aircraft!  I knew that "return home" feeling twice in my life. 

At this current moment, I wondered, where or what is my touchstone now?  What keeps me being me? What is it that the rest of my life spins around on a daily basis?   

Hmmmm. Its a very deep thought for me but I must say the answer to that question is many things......and all those things provide a piece of the puzzle of what keeps me being me.  

Randi.  First and foremost, she keeps me grounded in a million different ways. It's an odd mix that sticks us together. A very strong lady with a quiet way (unless you over charge her at a sale at walmart, then she is not so quiet...).  I'm thankful for her continued involvement in my life.  

Sophie.  That dog has touched something in me that I like. She has changed me.  I'm a nicer person because of her.  If you aren't touched by those big brown eyes, there is something wrong with you.  

Dylan. The smallest dog in the house but a brave watch dog in his mind.  Sometimes I need to remember, no matter what the size, he who has the biggest heart, reaps the biggest rewards.  I might not need protecting but it is good to know that he likes us enough to try and protect us....

Work. I don't talk about my work much. Some days its very rewarding, others, I feel like I'm playing catch up to my co-workers. I'm greatly bothered by this fact.  Tomorrow is another day and another chance to shine. Today was not perfect but tomorrow has the chance to be.  

I would guess the real answer is..."A small white house, on a small street, in a small part of South Carolina and all the stuff it contains".....



  1. That is a difficult ACK to respond to! It's quite a compliment, and I don't have words like you do....unless of course, I'm overcharged, and it doesn't need to be Walmart!!
    I love you for your love of me, Sophie and Dylan!

  2. These are the things that matter. A lot of people don't seem to know that what they need is right there at hand. There's a famous saying in the body of Jewish oral law known as the Mishna: "Aizeh hu ashir? Hasameach b'chelko." "Who is wealthy? He who is satisfied with his portion."
