21 Date Night Questions
1. If there was a movie about your life, what songs would you want on the soundtrack?
The CD unplugged by Eric Clapton.
2. In that movie, what actor (past or present) would you want to play you?
Matt Damon. I like his movies
3. If you could have named yourself, what name would you have chosen?
Johnny is ok I just wish I could have also gotten my Grandfathers middle name too.
4. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
I love fixing stuff. I'm not always good at it but getting there is half the fun
5. What is one thing you wish you could change about yourself?
The fear in my own head that tells me "I can't" way too many times a day
6. What was your biggest fear when you were a child?
Being left away from home alone.
7. What is your biggest fear now?
Screwing up at work.
8. Besides our wedding and the day kids were born, what is your all-time favorite day?
20 Jan 2000, when I married Randi (that answer isn't allowed according to the question but that is my answer)
9. What would you do with the money if we won the lottery?
a. keep it private
b. invest, invest, invest
c. repair computers and network and be my own boss.
10. What would you do tomorrow if you lost your job and money and we had to start over?
Pick up a network tester and a toolbox and get to work.
11. When you were a kid, who was your biggest hero?
My Dad. He is the reason I went in the USAF
12. Who is your biggest hero today?
My Wife, Randi. She has a calm about her that I've never seen in anyone else.
13. What is your greatest regret?
Didn't go to college sooner/Didn't retire from the USAF
14. What is one thing you’d like to accomplish by this time next year?
Read my Bible more.
15. If you won a free vacation to any place on earth, where would you want to go?
Alaska to see son, daughter-in-law, and Alisen, meet C.J. (my newest granddaughter) or Texas to see my daughters and maybe see an F1 race while there.
16. What was your first nickname?
J.J. given to me by my Dad
17. What is your earliest childhood memory?
Playing on the floor in base housing at Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base, MO
18. What was the moment when you laughed harder than you’ve ever laughed?
Watching "Rodney's Place" on HBO in the late 70's or early 80's (it was full of up coming comics. Tim Allen, Jeff Foxworthy, John Fox, Thea Vidale to name a few)
19. If you could write one new law that everyone had to obey, what law would you create?
Use the turn lane and your turn signals.
20. What’s a new hobby you’d like to try out?
I have enough hobbies to choke a horse. I don't need another hobby.
21. Besides marrying Randi…what’s the greatest thing that has ever happened to you? 

Graduating from college in 2005
There should be one more question:
22. What is your super power?
I know where every bathroom in town is and I also know the call signs for all the NPR stations in the state of SC.
There should be one more question:
22. What is your super power?
I know where every bathroom in town is and I also know the call signs for all the NPR stations in the state of SC.
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